Dr. Reddy - QOQ

Top Line increased by 1000 cr. - 5,200 to 6,300
expenses - Good control
EBITDA rose almost double i.e from 950 cr. To 1900 cr.
Other Income - This time decreased from 850 cr. To 40 cr. Only.
PAT stable last quarter 1200 and this time 1100 cr

Intellect Design Arena - last 4 quarter - in cr.
TOP LINE - in range of 500 to 550.
EXPENSES rose from 375 to 445.
EBITDA decreased from 130 to 80
PAT decreased from 100 to 50.

Tata Power - Q2 - July to September Quarter - in cr.
TOP LINE - decreased from 14,500 to 14,000
EXPENDITURE - stable around 12,000
EBITDA - Stable around 1900
INTEREST - stable around 1000
PBT - decreased from 260 to 150
TAX PROVISION - increased from 180 to 440
PAT - from profit of 80 to loss of 285
Vedanta - Q2 2022 - last 3 quarters

TOP LINE - Continuously decreasing
OTHER INCOME - includes dividend from subsidiary companies
EXPENDITURE - increased month by month
NET PROFIT - decreased drastically due to lesser other income, and deferred tax liability.
PONNI SUGAR - 4 Quarter Comparison

Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd is engaged in the manufacturing of sugar and its by products.
The company manufactures cane sugar, cane molasses and bagasse.
The company also in the business segment of Sugar, Cogeneration.
TOP LINE - increased quarter on quarter reached to 150 cr.
OTHER INCOME - includes 5 cr. interest on power overdues
NET PROFIT - increased drastically due to higher revenue.
Bandhan Bank - Q2 - 2022 (comparison of last 3 quarter)

TOP LINE - decreased compare to last quarter
EXPENDITURE - increased compare to last two quarter
PROVISIONS - provision on for pandemic season as per RBI Guidelines
NET PROFIT - decreased due to higher provisions and less revenue